I’m looking for just a little space, a pinpoint.
Light can come through a pinpoint-sized space.
Just that much is all I need to begin the ignition.
Fire needs light, material and oxygen.
I’ll be the light, you be the material, and the oxygen is the pain.
Let it combust; let the oxidation reduction reaction occur.
Let the electrons move from one to the other, change and create the fire.
Always a loss of electron in one and a gain in the other;
an increase in oxidation in one and a decrease in the other.
Let me increase you and decrease you. Ions and atoms and molecules in an uproar. Look what happens with even a spark. When you, me, and pain ignite! The perfect chemical reaction.
And what does this new creation do? You know what happens. The material changes.
In forest floors, spring lightning sparks fires. Out of ashes, shoots of new green life.
This is my story. I just need a little space.
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