Onleilove Alston
Minister Onleilove (pronounced Onlylove) Chika Alston, Founder of Prophetic Whirlwind was born and raised in East New York, Brooklyn. Currently she is the Founder of Her Wisdom Consulting and the former executive director at PICO-Faith in New York, where she leads a multiracial and multifaith organizing federation of 70+ congregations who are working to Build the Beloved City. Onleilove is also a community organizer, speaker, and writer. Her writing has been featured in Sojourners magazine, Huff Post Religion, The Black Commentator, and NPR’s On Being blog, as well as in other print and online publications. To learn more visit: At the Collegeville Institute, she attended the 2017 workshop, Writing Spirit, Writing Faith, and the 2018 workshop, Writing Theology for the General Reader.