Cheryl Kirk-Duggan
The Rev. Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan, Ph.D. is a retired professor of Religion and director of Women’s Studies at Shaw University Divinity School, Raleigh, NC (2004-2021) and an ordained elder in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. She is a consultant, scholar, preacher, author, and performer – the founder and CEO for Dr. Cheryl Enterprises, where she focuses on grief journeys and writing excellence. She helps people embrace their authentic, sacred selves through love by helping them make peace with loss, grief, and trauma in their lives; and she helps people find joy and creativity through their writing. Author and editor of over 25 books and numerous articles, she is recipient of many awards, including Shaw University Outstanding Achievement Award as International Recognized Womanist Scholar, 2016 and in 2020, Kirk-Duggan appeared in “17 African American Women Theologians You Should Know About.” A great grandmother, family is central to her life. She loves to tinker with her roses, embraces laughter as her best medicine, and engages the quest for a healthy, holistic, spiritual life as her foundation, rooted in God/LOVE. In October 2022, she led the virtual workshop at Collegeville Institute, "Writing Grief as Restorative Justice."