Integrating Work in Theological Education

Kathleen A. Cahalan, Edward Foley, Gordon S. Mikoski, editors
(Pickwick Publications, 2017)
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If only we could do a better job helping students at connecting the dots, theological educators commonly lament.  Integration, often proposed as a solution to the woes of professional education for ministry, would help students better integrate knowledge, skills, spirituality, and personal integrity.

When knowing, doing, and being remain isolated and disconnected, incompetence ensues and the cost runs high for most churches, denominations, and for ministers themselves. This book, however, shifts the frame and dismantles the long-held view that integrating work falls to students alone. Integrating work is a multifaceted, constructive process of learning that is contextual, reflective, and dialogical. It aims toward important ends—competent leaders who can guide Christian communities today.

A diverse group of theological educators have been pondering these issues together for over five years. Through descriptive case studies, theological reflection, and theory building, they offer a distinctive contribution to understanding integrating work and how best to achieve it across three domains: in community, curriculums, and courses.

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This timely volume makes an important contribution to the ongoing processes of exploration and assessment of educational models and practices in theological education and leads us on a remarkably fruitful journey toward integrating that is wise, theologically informed, and effective.

—Stephen R. Graham, Senior Director of Programs and Services, The Association of Theological Schools and the Commission on Accrediting

Meet the Editors

Cahalan, KathleenKathleen A. Cahalan is professor of practical theology at Saint John’s University School of Theology and Seminary and director of the Collegeville Institute Seminars. She is co-author of Christian Practical Wisdom (Eerdmans, 2016).


Edward Foley is Duns Scotus Professor of Spirituality and Professor of Liturgy and Music at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. His most publication is Theological Reflection Across Faith Traditions: The Turn to Reflective Believing (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015).

Gordon Mikoski is associate professor of Christian education at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he serves as director of PhD studies and editor for Theology Today. His most recent book is Opening the Field of Practical Theology, ed. with Kathleen Cahalan (Rowman & Littlefield, 2014).

Collegeville Institute